Química y queso

I’ve been consumed by chemistry and cheese lately.
For any new readers joining on: I recently joined a college chem class in order to learn more about color and art conservation. I’m in no way a science person, so this is a massive undertaking, to say the least.
As for the cheese news: I picked up a new job as a cheesemonger! I don’t believe in linear résumés (as I may have mentioned before… and again here)– I think they’re hideously boring and rarely human. Plus, I’ll take any excuse to work outside. So it’s settled: you can find me pitching my tent and slingin’ amazingly delicious California cheese (all organic, and from grass-pasture fed cows, no less!) every Sunday at a farmers’ market in LA.
One step closer to being a carnie: every college graduate’s dream come true!

So enough with the monologue– here’s a relevant diagram of my past week:

